Avoid a Collision with Cyclists

Bicycling is one of the greatest American pass times, enjoyed by millions every year. Since the invention of the bicycle, enthusiasts have been obsessed with them. They are used for exercise, work, fun, commuting and about anything else you can think of. It is one of the most popular activities in the U.S., with millions pedaling on a regular basis. Most of this cycling takes place on busy public roads.
Unfortunately, hundreds of bicyclists are killed every year in collisions with cars. While some deaths are the fault of the cyclist, the majority happen because the car drivers aren’t paying attention. As a driver you can avoid a collision with cyclists.

Cyclists Aren’t Going Away

A large percentage of motorists believe cyclists are a nuisance and should not be on the road. This is never going to happen. Cyclists are entitled to ride on public roads, and their numbers are growing. Cyclists have the very same rights to the road as motorists. Cycling is increasing every year due to its values for individual’s health and the lower impact on the environment.

Leading Reasons Collisions Happen with Cyclists

Collisions between bicycles and cars can happen for many reasons. Here are a few of the most common.

Intersections- A common collision between cars and cyclists occur at a crossing in the road, when the driver of the car doesn’t see the cyclist while pulling out of or turning into a driveway, entrance to a parking lot.

• Passing- These collisions are usually because the motorist doesn’t allow enough space to overtake the rider or riders. Many motorists get angry when riders are riding double or triple wide. Often this is a practice by cyclist to show that passing is not safe. Stay calm and pay closer attention. Sure there are rude cyclists, but most are polite and very aware of their surrounding and dangers.

• Stop Sign or Light- This collision is most common when a cyclist pulls alongside a vehicle that isn’t aware they are there.

• Right turn- This is very common if a cyclist is along the right side and a motorists turns right and doesn’t see them there. Many motorists will race ahead to make the turn before the cyclist gets there. Avoid this, your miscalculation can have dire consequences.

• Rear End. This can happen when a cyclist is following a car and the car suddenly hits their brakes.

Safe Driving Around Cyclists

• Be Alert When Cyclists are Present
• Give cyclists at least three feet while passing
• Don’t accelerate when passing cyclists; slow and steady is the correct approach.
• Never Honk at a Cyclist. It may cause them to be frightened and turn into your car.
Never pass on a hill or blind corner

All parties are responsible to understand their surroundings and follow the law. Share the road and be polite and avoid a collision with cyclists.

If your in an Accident and need auto body repair done, come see us at Collision Pros in Auburn, Chico, Red Bluff, Woodland and Paradise, California.