Action News Report on Car Giveawayaction news
On September 10, 2019 Action News covered the car giveaway hosted and donated by Collision Pros. This ceremony was the kick off of their charitable program “Keys to the Future”.

Terra Hill was the winner of this free car giveaway event. Terra a resident of Concow, was caught in the Camp Fire and burned over 50% of her body. Terra, now in a wheel chair, has had months of surgeries, with years more to come. Terra having no vehicle, has had to rely on the charity of others to get her to her many doctors’ appointments each week. Thank you to the kindness of the team at Collision Pros and AAA Insurance Terra can get herself to appointments now.

This car was donated by AAA insurance and repaired by the staff of Collision Pros. Staff members Pat Luna and Larry Graham, survivors of the fires in Paradise themselves, put their heart and soul into this project.

This is really a story about a community coming together to support those in need and to help others.

This car donated will change her life and help restore her to life before the accident.